Soft Skills
Soft skill is a personal attribute that supports situational awareness and enhances an individual’s ability to get a job done. It is essential to create a work place environment. In addition social abilities such as communication, time management, critical thinking and teamwork help an individual stay motivated and increase the productivity of those around him.
Mar Elias College provided many workshops regarding softskills for the students to develop their innate abilities.

One day Workshop on Back to Basics

Metamorphose - A workshop on Resume building, Interview skills ,GD

Metamorphose - A workshop on Resume building, Interview skills ,GD

Webinar on Social Entrepreneurship

Career Counselling on CA organised by Commerce Department

Career Counselling on Logistics And Supply Chain Management


Budget Analysis organised by MECCA

Awareness Programme on Computer Security

Seminar on Additional Skill Development Outcome Based Training & Placement

Career counselling on IELTS

Placement Orientation and Training Programme conducted by Placement Cell

Webinar on Road map for Placement

Career counselling on Airline Customer Executive

Webinar on Opportunities in Insurance

Webinar on Digital opportunities and Career Growth

Placement Talks organised by Placement Cell

A Training Programme on Advanced Interview Skill Workshop

Budget Analysis and Discussion

Personality Development Class for I BSW & I MSW

Aptitude Test Training by Department of Computer Science

One Day workshop regarding Placement Training

A Training Programme on Soft Skill Development

One day Seminar on Team Building