
College Resources


Libraries are places where there are no restrictions on access to information in a variety of formats and sources. They are repositories of information. Our college features a well-organized library system that supports the reading and learning needs of students and faculty. Library contains nearly 7000 books and journals of different subjects. A good collection of reference books are maintained in our library. For having a precise idea about the present circumstances of our society, we are subscribing to many leading magazines and newspapers. Library books are classified subject wise according to Dewey Decimal Classification. Our library has a seating capacity of 50 nos. and  is located in the main Administrative Block of our campus with a total area of 163 Sq.m.

With the advent of ICT, drastic changes are coming in the area of information dissemination. There has been a transformation of  library into digital and virtual where books,journals and magazines have been replaced with e-books, e-journals and e-zines, thus raising the global distribution of information. Today electronic resources have become an integral part of most academic libraries. By considering all these, we also introduced several technological changes in our library. The library is automated with ILMS software KOHA (Version 21st - Year 2021) .All circulation activities are done through this software. Our College is a registered member of NLIST (which is jointly executed by UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INFLIBNET Center and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium & IIT Delhi).Through NLIST programme students and faculty of our college can access  6,000+ejournals, 1,99,500+ e books and 6,00,000 e books through NDL.

Hard copies of university and internal question papers are kept in our library for reference. The library is open from 9.15 am to 4.30 pm from every Monday to Saturday.


Read , Think and Share 


Support our institution by means of standing as a hub of knowledge that offer high-quality and accurate information to all our users and there by assist the intellectual boom of all our students and faculty.


The mission of our library is to acquire and disseminate correct, useful and timely knowledge to the user community from the extensive spectrum of know-how. So that the students can acquire their maximum educational capability and faculty can enhance their teaching capabilities and career.


  • Automated Circulation System
  • Reference service
  • Reprographic Service
  • OPAC
  • New Arrival Display


User awareness classes are given to the newly admitted students to make them aware of the rules and regulations of the library. This allows them to be acquainted with the functioning of the library, catalouging, association of books and journals, key-word index and classification of books.

Working Hours of the Library:

  • 9.15 am to 4.15 pm

Library Rules and Regulations: 

  • Maintain Silence.
  • Enter your name and Signature  in the register kept at the entrance.
  • Access to library only through Identity Cards.
  • Keep your belongings outside the library.
  • Mobile phones are banned in the library. 

Admission to Library:

 Students are allowed in the library only on production of their Identity Cards.

 Circulation Issue System: 

Books will be issued to the students on the basis of valid library cards. 

 Overdue Charges: 

Books borrowed should be returned on or before the due date. A late fee of Re1/- will be charged for delay of return.

Book Lost: 

If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book.

 Loss of cards: 

Loss of borrower card should be reported immediately to the librarian. Duplicate card may be issued against charge.

 Validity of cards: 

Library cards are valid for the entire duration of the program. At the end of the program, library cards should be returned to the library.

 No due Certificate: 

Each student shall obtain No dues certificate from the library as per the rules and regulations. 

 Care of Library Books: 

Students are required to handle the books/ Journal very carefully. Marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be  seriously dealt. with.


 In this section journals and general magazines are available. The latest issues are displayed on display rack.

