ICT/ Computing Skills
ICT in education is the mode of education that use information and communication technology to support ,enhance and optimise the delivery of information. ICT tools for teaching and learning cover everything from digital infrastructures such as printers,computers,laptops,tablets etc to software tools such as Google Meet, Spread sheets etc. Mar Elias College provides ICT enabled classroom for the smooth running of Teaching – Learning process.

Research Methodology Workshop & SPSS Training

Awareness Programme on Software Development

Training Programme on SPSS

Webinar on Digital Opportunities and Career Growth

Hands - on Training on MS Excel

Awareness Programme on Computer Security

Seminar on Additional Skill Development, Outcome-Based Training and Placement

Computer Training Session

Webinar - Future with Artificial Intelligence

Hands on Training Programme on Computer Awareness for Kudumbasree Members

Workshop on Computer Hardware and Assembling

Seminar - Network Awareness and Ethical Hacking

Seminar–Trending Technologies and Add on Certification Programme