The Eco Cell of Mar Elias college in association with IQAC were organised a webinar about the topic “MOOC: Organic Farming- Enhance your farming skills”.The session was conducted on 29/09/2021at 6.30pm – 8.00pm through the Google meet platform. Mr.Bibin Sasidharan , who is a Karshakashree award winner was the resource person . The session was started with a welcome speech by the Eco Cell convener Mrs.Teena K K. Dr.P K Sudarsanan, honorable principal, who was presided over the session and delivered the presidential address. Mrs.Jili K Eldhose, IQAC co-ordinator and Mr.Lijo T George , MOOC co-ordinator were expressed felicitations . After the felicitations, Mr.Bibin Sasidharan , explained about the scientific techniques and skills to enhance the organic farming . The webinar was ended with an open discussion and resource person was cleared the queries raised by the participants. Mrs.Priya Paul, co-ordinator of Eco Cell, delivered the vote of thanks. Participants expressed that the session was informative.